It Begins
Hello everyone! My name is Brian, and I'm a 21-year-old senior Mathematical Economics major at Pomona College in Claremont, California. This is the beginning of my technology-oriented blog, and if I had to credit one public figure for getting me interested in technology, it would have to be Reader Rabbit. I spent a lot of time before kindergarten sounding out the vowels on his carrots, and when my vocabulary had finally bested his, I wanted more. Reader Rabbit got me hooked on "edu-tainment" games, and from there it progressed to dingy HyperCard animations and finally creating websites featuring movies of me wearing a fat suit.
From working for a couple years in IT, I've learned that there are times when you begin to feel boxed in by error messages, standard troubleshooting procedures, and hours of watching progress bars fill up. There is so much creativity to be expressed in the technology arena; not just in terms of aesthetics, but in breaking the mold and putting a new idea out there. I hope that my blog will inspire the latter; I plan on my entries being light and funny, but each with a fresh idea that's easy to understand.
Part of the reason I applied for this opportunity is to see for myself how tech ideas come to life. Obviously, Digg's idea of viewer-controlled content was a brilliant one even if only evidenced by the number of imitators it spawned. Tech is an ever-expanding market and while it shouldn't be impossible to get a tech-related job out of college, finding and landing one that really meshes with your ideals is tough. I hope that my blog entries strike a chord with many of you (and that one of you powerful types send me a job offer).
I maintain a personal website at, and yes it contains a video of me in an inflatable sumo suit, set to a piano rag.
Mr. Henry would say make it useful to life, computing to serve living. Dose udder bloggings all live in dunkville. Ain't sunny LA! So let's seeit. Pictures, street, Pomona(we need to see) Jet Propulsion, and all. Show me. PLus, oh yeah, let's see you innem. Probly couldn't hurt.
Mathematical economics, time to get to work. Pelosi Congress will issue Bush War Tax, if they have any guts, which they do, Rahm Emmanuel. Taxing those who have profited from this war. Instead of making the working , taxed class pay off the bonds floated to pay for this off-budget war. China owns us, buying these bonds, re-balancing their Wal-Mart and other American consumption receipts. So make a case for that tax: A war tax would not be deflationary if reaching war profits as opposed to the implicit consumption tax presented by a downward pressure on the dollar and on domestic lending markets from carrying the war expenditure in T-bills.
Mr. Brian, your first entry in your techno-blog seemed right on track. Where you are going with these other two blogs I do not know. I would like to see you stay on track with "the latter," as you said it in your blog, and see what inspirations you have.
Pictures would be nice. It makes you real, more personable, and makes your blog more personal. We can identify you with your blog, not just a name and web address. Appeal to those who are not as "tech savvy."
I am giving you an unfair advantage. I previewed the comments from each technology blogger that I received in my email from Experience. I liked your comments best. To see if I chose correctly, I visited your blog. I like your first entry best. The other bloggers have very unique and applicable views in their comments, but I was not intrigued by them. Your comment seemed universal, at the heart of the Information Age, ethical/moral, and requiring some thought and insight on your part. The others seem more like they are mopping the water on the floor without fixing the faucet or the sink. What is popular is not always right, and what is right is not always popular. However, I do understand the audience you must win-over. So, do what you think is best.
Good luck!
Anonymous 2 - There's a picture of me in sunny California attached to this post. More pictures of me near Jet Propulsion labs, as well as a lengthy digression on fiscal policy, would probably be better in a different blog, but I will keep those tips in mind!
Norman - Thank you for your advice and kind words. I'll try to swing the focus of the posts back to recent/fresh ideas. I plan on including a topical picture with every post. Did you mean it would be better to have a picture of me in every post?
Did you mean "edutainment"?
Holy crap, Brian Sutorius! I got an email about this from Smith (I'm a student there) and I thought "Gee that kid looks just like Brian Sutorius from Shaker..." and it was you! I haven't seen you since middle school! Funny that we're both doing computer-y stuff now. Small world, huh?
Anyways, the blog looks good! I hope you win this thing.
Hi Brian,
I'd be interested in reading more about how "Digg's idea of viewer controlled content was a brilliant one." How is it brilliant? Technologically? Economically? Socially?
I use the web to search for information. I value substance more than popularity, a well-thought premise more than dashed-off opinions, succinctness more than chatter. I imagine I'm not part of Digg's target audience. Am I missing something?
Thanks. And Good Luck. I'm impressed with what you're doing.
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